Revelation in Genesis
Discover the secret hidden in the most amazing sentence ever written ...
Revelation in Genesis
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)
That's the first sentence in the Bible. The original text was written in Hebrew. "Bereshit bara elohim et ha-shamayim ve'et ha-aretz."
Every letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numeric value. Apply the numeric value of each letter, and we come up with a value for each word in Genesis 1:1.
Note: The value of these two words is 999. The value of these three words is also 999. The value of these three words is 888. The value of these three words is 777. 777 ... 888 ... 999 (twice)
Also, each of these numbers is divisible by 37. 37 shows up a lot ... and 3 ... and 7.
The total value of all the letters, all the words in Genesis 1:1, is 2,701 which is 37 times 73 ... three seven seven three. Make a number out of these digits ... 3773 ... and that can be expressed as 7 times 7 times 77.
Look at the sentence again in Hebrew. There are seven words. There is a mid-word of two letters, and three words on each side.
There are three letters in this word, and seven letters here, and seven letters here, and three letters in this word ... three seven seven three.
Now, let's go to the New Testament. The New Testament was written in Greek. Every letter of the Greek alphabet has a numeric value. The New Testament presents Jesus as the Son of God.
The Hebrew Scriptures promised a Messiah, who would save those who would believe in Him. Jesus is the Messiah. His name was Yeshua in Hebrew. Yeshua was translated into Greek as Iessous. We can work out the numeric value of Iessous in Greek. It's 888. Do you remember that number from Genesis 1:1? 888? (777, 888 and 999). 888 is divisible by 37.
The Gospel of John is all about Jesus, the Son of God. The first verse of John says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Jesus is the Word. In Greek, LOGOS.
This verse in Greek ... "En archi in o Logos, Kai o Logos in pros ton Theon, Kai Theos in o Logos"
Remember in Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew there is a mid-word of two letters. Each of the three phrases in John 1:1 has a mid-word of two letters.
"And the Word was with God" ... "Kai o Logos in pros ton Theon"
There are seven words here, with three words on each side of the mid-word ... the same construction as we see in Genesis 1:1.
There are fifteen letters in this phrase. And 22 letters in this phrase. And fifteen letters in this phrase. 15 plus 22 equals 37. 22 plus 15 equals 37.
This word, "Logos" ... meaning "the Word" (Jesus) ... has a numeric value of 373. Here are those numbers again ... three seven three.
The word for God in Genesis 1:1 is "Elohim". It has a numeric value of 86.
This word for God in John 1:1 is "Theos". It has a numeric value of 284. 86 plus 284 equals 370 ... 37 times 10.
The numbers 3 and 7 and 37 confirm the link between important Old and New Testament Scriptures. They are God's seal ... it's His design.
Now, here's something to think about. John 1:1 says that the Word was with God. Then it says that the Word was God. It says that Jesus is God. And it says that He was with God in the beginning. That's a plurality isn't it?
The word for God in Genesis 1:1 is "Elohim". There are many places in the Old Testament where "elohim" means "gods" (with a small 'g', plural). But in Genesis 1:1 it definitely has to be translated "God" (singular), because the verb 'created' (bara) dictates that.
Elohim here is plural in form, but singular in meaning. It is hinting at something.
Many Jews dislike the thinking that God is three in one ... Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The verse they look to is in Deuteronomy, chapter 6 verse 4. "Hear O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!"
In Hebrew, "Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad."
"Echad" ... one. Echad does mean one, but it implies a unity. For example, Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 says that "... a man shall ... be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." In Hebrew, "Ve-hai-u levasar echad". Echad ... one. One flesh. Two become one. One is on view, but it's a plurality ... unified.
And here is a statement about Jesus in the New Testament. It's in Colossians chapter 2 verse 9. "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead ..." "Theotitos" is the Greek word for the Godhead. It has a numeric value of 962 ... which is divisible by 37. In fact, it is 37 times 26. And 26 happens to be the value of the Hebrew word spelled Yud Heh Vav Heh ... the word that is used more than 6,800 times to represent the name of God in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Now, let's go back to Genesis 1:1. "Bereshit bara Elohim et ha-shamayim ve'et ha-aretz."
The middle word in the sentence has two letters. It's an untranslatable word in Hebrew grammar. It points to the direct object. It is spelled Alef Tav ... the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
Jesus said He is the first and the last. Alef Tav ... the middle word, two letters ... hints at Jesus.
Now, the first three letters of bereshit ... bet resh alef ... are the same as those of the second word, bara. Bara means "created". But bara can also mean "cut down". Five times in the Old Testament, the word "bara" means "cut down".
And these three letters at the end of Bereshit, if they were separated and stood alone as a word would mean "set in place".
Clearly this verse is saying, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". But we can see a sub-text in the first two words ... something just out of plain sight ... that could read, "created ... set in place ... cut down".
In other words, God created the heavens and the earth, God set them in place, and God has determined to cut them down.
And that is not a new revelation. Scripture says that is what God intends to do. He's not going to fix up this fallen world. He's going to destroy it. And replace it with a "new heavens and a new earth".
And how is God going to destroy the heavens and the earth? By fire.
Let's look at this word "bereshit" again. The middle two letters spell "esh" (alef shin). Esh means "fire" in Hebrew. And the four letters on either side ... bet resh yud tav ... together spell "brit". And brit means "covenant" in Hebrew. Do you see that also, as a sub-text? A covenant of fire.
For centuries rabbis have asked the question, "When God gave the Torah to Moses, why didn't He make the word for God the first word of the Bible?" This word ... Elohim ... starts with an alef. Alef is the first letter of the alphabet. But Elohim is the third word of the Bible. It would have worked grammatically to have made the first sentence of the Bible start with the Hebrew word for God. But God gave the Torah starting with the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet ... bet.
As a prefix on a word, bet means "in". This word "bereshit" means "in what is first" ... in other words, "in the beginning".
These five letters "reshit" mean "what is first". They also mean "the choice part, finest" or "firstfruits" (as in firstfruits of a harvest). And the New Testament presents Jesus as the firstfruits. 1 Corinthians chapter 15 tells us, "Jesus has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits ..."
So, we could see as another sub-text in this first sentence of the Bible, "in the firstfruits ... God, the alef tav (Jesus) ... created the heavens and the earth." And that's not a new revelation because the Gospel of John tells us, "All things came into being through Jesus".
In the book of Colossians, the first chapter tells us "... by Him all things were created ... in the heavens and on the earth."
Also, the first letter and the last two letters of the first word, spell "bayit" (bet yud tav). Bayit means house or household. And the remaining three letters in the middle of the word spell "rosh" (resh alef shin). Rosh in Hebrew means "head". So we have "head in the house". "The head in the household of God" is Jesus.
Hebrews chapter three tells us, "Jesus is faithful as a Son over God's household ..."
Finally, there are two Hebrew words for son. One is "ben" (bet nun). And the other is "bar" (bet resh). Both of these words for son, are on view in Psalm 2. In verse 7 it tells us "... the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, "You are My Son ..." "Son" in this verse in Hebrew is "ben" (bet nun).
In verse 12 of Psalm 2... "Do homage to the Son lest He be angry with you …" "Son" in this verse is "bar" (bet resh).
Back to "bereshit" ... the first word of the Bible. Bet is the first letter of the Bible. Bet, which is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, is the first letter in the Bible.
The last letter in the Bible (in Greek), is "nyee". It is the last letter in the last word in the book of Revelation. Of course, Hebrew and Greek are different alphabets, but in both alphabets, this sound is unique. "Nun" in Hebrew. "Nyee" in Greek. So, we can say that the first and last letters of the Bible spell "ben" (Son in Hebrew).
But the first two letters of the Bible also spell "Son". The first two letters of the word "bereshit" (in the beginning) ... the first two letters are bet resh ... "bar" means "Son".
It's all about Jesus ... from first to last ... from beginning to end ... it's all about Jesus.