Genesis, Jesus and John … connecting the dots

The plain text of the Bible shows that there is a strong connection between Genesis 1:1 in the Old Testament and John 1:1 in the New Testament. Both start “In the beginning ...” But there is more to these verses. And it’s all about Jesus. To the sceptic, who may think that the words of the Bible are the ideas of men, God has embedded a mathematical code in the original words. The numeric code proves that the text is supernatural. We have reason to believe that this code runs through all Scripture.

We are grateful to Dr Peter Bluer, a mathematician at Manchester University in England, for pointing out the feature. It was also Dr Bluer who drew our attention to the need to restore the iota subscript in the second word in John 1:1 and, indeed, throughout the Greek of the New Testament.

Genesis, Jesus and John: connecting the dots

The first verse of the Bible (in the Old Testament) says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).

And the New Testament reveals that that was Jesus who created the heavens and the earth. John 1:1 says: “In the beginning was the Word …” (further on in the text it identifies who the Word was …) “… the Word became flesh and dwelt among us …” (John 1:14). That’s Jesus.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God …” (There are two on view … two who are as one.)

“… the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things came into being through Him and, apart from Him, nothing came into being that has come into being.”

Jesus, the living Word of God, was with God, and He was God, and He created all things.

Also: “… by Jesus all things were created, in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible … all things have been created through Him and by Him.” (Col 1:16)

Also: God “… has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world ..." (Heb 1:2)

The first words in the Bible say, “God created the heavens and the earth.” And, three times, the Bible reveals that it was Jesus who was the Creator.

A sceptic might think that these writings are the ideas of men. So, to answer the objection, God has embedded, in the words of the Bible, a watermark of His design … a numeric structure that could not be there by chance.

Genesis 1:1 says: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” In the original Hebrew text this is: בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

Every letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numeric value. That means that there is a numeric value for each word in the text.

The value of these two words is 999. The value of these three words is 999. The value of these three words is 888. And the value of these three words is 777. 777 888 and 999 twice. That could not have happened by accident.

Note that each of these three numbers is divisible by 37 and by 3. 777 is 37 x 7 x 3. 888 is 37 x 8 x 3. And 999 is 37 x 3 x 3 x 3.

The total for the seven word sentence is 2,701. And 2,701 is 37 x 73. 3 7 7 3.

Just for fun, we’ll make a single number out of the four figures ... 3773. That can be expressed as 7 x 7 x 77.

Remember 888? 37 x 8 x 3? The number 8 stands out from the rest. Here’s the connection to Jesus.

In the original Greek text of the New Testament, the name of Jesus is ΙΗΣΟΥΣ. Every letter of the Greek alphabet has a numeric value, and ΙΗΣΟΥΣ adds up to 888.

Jesus is called the Christ. Jesus Christ. Christ is a title … it means the Anointed One. In the Greek: ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ. The numeric value of the two words is 2368, and that can be expressed as 37 x 8 x 8.

Now, let’s look at the number of words and the number of letters in the sentence. There are 7 words. There is a mid-word, and three words on each side of the mid-word. There are two letters in the mid-word. Two letters. Perhaps you are familiar with prime numbers. A prime number is a whole number that is divisible by itself and by one only. Two is the first prime number, and it is a unique prime number because it is the only prime number that is an even number.

This mid-word is an untranslatable word in Hebrew grammar (it points to the direct object). The word is made up of the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet … alef and tav. Jesus said that He is the alpha and the omega … the first and the last (Rev 1:8, Rev 1:17, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:13). Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.

Back to Genesis 1:1: There are 7 words … 3 here and 3 here. There are 28 letters in the 7 words. 28 is divisible by 7.

There are 3 letters here and 5 letters here. There are 5 letters here and 3 letters here. That means there are 8 letters in the 2 words to the left of the mid-word, and 8 letters in the 2 words to the right of the mid-word.

We can also see 3 letters here … 7 letters here … 7 letters here, and 3 letters here. 3 7 7 3. 37 x 73 the total numeric value of Genesis 1:1.

37 is the 12th prime number. 73 is the 21st prime number. These numbers reflect each other: 12 … 21.

Just for fun, make a number out of 12 and 21 … 1221. And 1221 can be expressed as 37 x 33.

Now, let’s go to the New Testament, to the Gospel of John. The first verse says: "In the beginning was the Word …” Jesus is the Word.

The Greek word that we translate as “Word” is ΛΟΓΟΣ. And the numeric value of ΛΟΓΟΣ is 373. 3 7 3.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In the original Greek ... ΕΝ ΑΡΧΗΙ ΗΝ Ο ΛΟΓΟΣ, ΚΑΙ Ο ΛΟΓΟΣ ΗΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟΝ ΘΕΟΝ, ΚΑΙ ΘΕΟΣ ΗΝ Ο ΛΟΓΟΣ.

ΛΟΓΟΣ is mentioned three times.

In each of the three phrases, there is a mid-word of 2 letters … just like the word order in Genesis 1:1.

There are 15 letters in these 5 words and 22 letters in these 7 words and 15 letters in these 5 words. 15 + 22 equals 37 and 22 + 15 equals 37.

The word for God in Genesis 1:1 is "Elohim". It has a numeric value of 86. This word for God in John 1:1 is "Theos". It has a numeric value of 284. 86 plus 284 equals 370 ... 37 times 10.

And here is the feature that ties the Old Testament to the New Testament, that links Genesis, Jesus and John.

Counting … 1 2 3 4 5, etc, isn’t the only way to count. We sometimes count by even numbers … 2 4 6 8 10 12, etc. Or, say, by fives … 5 10 15 20. That’s easy. We are familiar with it. But people who work with numbers have other ways of counting … of identifying a progression of numbers. Prime numbers are an example. They are numbers that cannot be divided … 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37, etc. Just because we can’t rattle off the list of prime numbers the way we say 10 20 30 40, etc, doesn’t mean that it’s an invalid way to count. Prime numbers are just as much a feature of our numeric system as say even numbers are. People who work with numbers would also say, for example, this (5) is the third prime number … the third on the list. Or this (11) is the fifth prime number, etc.

Another list of numbers that certain people work with are triangular numbers. 1 3 6 10 15, etc. The list goes on according to a set progression. Again, they’d say this (3) is the second triangular number. Or this (10) is the fourth triangular number.

If you’ve got these principles, here is how that the Old Testament and the New Testament are locked together.

For Genesis 1:1 the total value of the sentence is 2,701. And 2,701 is 37 x 73. 37 is a prime number, and 73 is a prime number. The total for the verse, 2,701 is a triangular number … it is the 73rd triangular number.

The total for the first verse of John chapter 1 in the New Testament is 3,627. And 3,627 can be expressed as 39 x 93. Note how these numbers reflect each other. 39 … 93.

Add 3,627 to the numeric value of Genesis 1:1 (2,701) and we get 6,328. And 6328 is a triangular number.

In other words, John 1:1 is locked onto Genesis 1:1. They go together. There is a mathematical seal that connects the New Testament with the Old Testament.

It confirms what we read in the plain text of the Bible. The Word is Jesus. And the One who created the heavens and the earth is Jesus.